tiistai 22. maaliskuuta 2022

Kaksi eriasteista rantaa / Two different beaches

Kivenlahden ranta on vielä umpijäässä, mutta sinne ei ole enää menemistä. 
Kivenlahti beach is still frozen, it is such a narrow baybut you can't walk there anymore.
But yes, it will melt in time.

Ajelin Haukilahteen, 10 km päähän toiselle rannalle ja siellä avomeri olikin jo sulana, 
kuulin jopa laineiden liplatusta. Ihanan sinistä ja keväistä.
I drove to Haukilahti, 10 km to another beach and there the open sea was already melted, 
I even heard the fluttering of the waves. Lovely blue and so spring feeling.


9 kommenttia:

  1. Both are beautiful. Snowy beaches are totally alien to me.

  2. ...let's revisit in summer!

  3. Aquí no es normal que haya nieve, en la orilla del mar. Hace poco que regresé, de un viaje hasta las costa del Mediterráneo.


  4. The first beach, still freezing, is incredible, very different from ours.
    Beautiful photos.

  5. I do not like cold weather, but I liked the photos!

  6. Lovely blue sky and sea. Time is moving on for warmer days for you.


  7. The end of the snow in a beautiful setting

    The end of the snow in a beautiful setting

  8. Lo que cambia el paisaje en tan corto trayecto, como nos dices pronto estarán las dos sin hielo.



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