There has been a very long pause again, but the explanation is good: I was in the hospital for a week cutting a vermiform appendix. I had had some stomach ache for a few days, not so hard that it would have hindered my life. The pain was not so hard for me to go to the doctor and I had to do job and I had also a couple of meetings I wanted to go to.
And when I finally got to the doctor, I got the order to go straight to the hospital, from where to department and surgery. The vermiform appendix had almost erupted, surgery was quite a big job. Therefore, they keeped me so long in the hospital to reduce the inflammatory value. Now I've been home for a couple of days, and feel that life would begin again to win. It's Finnish stubbornness, that would not bother the doctor because of a small case.. hah hah
Yhdyskäytävä Jorvin sairaalan ja uuden Espoon sairaalan välillä. Tässä oli hyvä kävellä.
A gateway between two hospitals, new and old. Here was a good walk.