Kaiken hässäkän keskellä ehdin viime sunnuntaina Porvoon joulumarkkinoille.
Today I will fly to Switzerland. Fortunately, the flight leaves only afternoon so I can sleep longer.. :) Why I cannot just go - no, first you have to check all papers, wires, chargers, medicines, clothes and lots of Christmas gifts (I had to look for them first, then buy, wrap and now try to fit all in the suitcase) etc etc. But all the trouble is forgotten when I meet my daughter's family. I haven't never spent Christmas there, and the boys are already 11 and 9 years old. Now it's the time to go there. I'm there over two weeks. They got also a bit snow, just for me… heh.
In the midst of all the hassles I was on the Christmas market in Porvoo last Sunday.
Espoon Pitkäjärvi
Myös me saimme lunta. Kaikki on nyt mustavalkoista ja se on luonnossa kaunista…
Also we got snow. Everywhere is black and white, and in nature everything is beautiful …
.. mutta kaupunkialueella märkä loskainen lumi on kaikkea muuta kuin mukavaa.
.. but in the urban area the wet and slush snow is anything but nice.
Toivon kaikille Mukavaa Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta 2019.
I wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019.