Eilen satoi lisää lunta... ja paljon. Edellinen satsi oli jo melkein sulannut.
Nyt näyttää tosi kauniilta, kun on muhkeat lumikerrostumat ja pakkasta n. -8 °C.
We got much more snow again, the previous one had already almost melted.
Now the landscape is beautiful. Temperature approx. -8 C.
Certainly does look beautiful.
VastaaPoistaLooks very nice that winter in Finland,
VastaaPoistaThe snow really adds a magical touch to the landscape, especially with those chilly temperatures. I can imagine how beautiful everything must look covered in thick snow. Thanks for sharing this winter scene! I just shared a new post; let me know what you think. Have a lovely weekend ahead.
VastaaPoista...enjoy your winter wonderland.
VastaaPoistaBeautiful. Thank you.
VastaaPoistaA beautiful winter wonderland, very pretty to see.
VastaaPoistaI'm glad to see your posts again! Great pictures. And thanks for your comment on my post!
VastaaPoistaPor aquí aun con esas temperaturas por la noche aun no ha nevado y no parece que llegue pronto por los pronósticos.
Kivat kasautumat. 🙃
VastaaPoistaThe snow looks like marsh mallow so soft and nice
VastaaPoistaHermosas estampas nevadas, aquí hay zonas nevadas también.
VastaaPoistaMuchos besos.
This is beautiful, everything covered in white snow, very nice photos.
VastaaPoistaSnow is always very photogenic!
Talvista kaupunkia.
VastaaPoistaYou have a lot. We've been getting our fair share lately.