keskiviikko 15. tammikuuta 2025

Aurinkoa ja lunta / Sun and snow


Pari päivää saimme iloita auringosta.
We enjoyed the sun for a couple of days.

Avantouimari avannossa.
Open water swimmer in the open water.

9 kommenttia:

  1. ...your blue skies and red berries pop against the snow!

  2. Esas baya rojas colgando bajo la nieve blanca son impresionantes.

  3. The snow scene is very interesting indeed

  4. All the photos are lovely, but I rather like the last one, the contrast is good.

  5. Beautiful snow photos again and those red berries do stand out very well against all that white.

  6. Wow, what beautiful snow! We haven't gotten any this year where I'm from, but it's still bitter cold. I've been inside a lot because of it. Enjoying our new cabinet painting in the kitchen. Thanks for writing this!

  7. La iluminación de la luz del sol, hace resaltar mejor la gran blancura de la nieve que ha caído.
    Un abrazo.


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