lauantai 20. maaliskuuta 2021


Kun kävelin Huvilakatua pitkin, oli siellä eräässä talossa asuntonäyttely. Hetken harkittuani menin sisälle. Varmaan myyjä arvasi, ettei minulla olisi mitään aikomusta ostaa asuntoa, mutta oli kiva käydä katsomassa miltä tämän kadun asunnot näyttää. Kyseinen talo oli rakennettu v. 1908, asunto oli 101,5 m2 ja maksoi "vain" 1195000 e. Vanhoissa taloissa ja asunnoissa on eräänlaista vanhanajan romantiikkaa. Sääli, että Helsingistä purettiin paljon vanhoja taloja 1960-luvulla.

When I walked along street "Huvilakatu" in Helsinki, there was a housing exhibition in one house. After I had thought a little, I went inside. Probably the seller guessed I had no intention of buying an apartment, but it was nice to see what the apartments on this street look like. The house in question was built in 1908, the apartment was 101.5 m2 and cost "only" 1,195,000 euros. Old houses and apartments have a some kind of old-fashioned romance. It is a pity that a lot of old houses were demolished in Helsinki in the 1960s.

Eteisen ovi oli ihana. / The hallway door was wonderful.

17 kommenttia:

  1. Kyllä on tunnelmallista 💚❤️💗💛🧡

  2. Katunäkymä on hieno ja asunto on upea! Tuo rakennus on "nähnyt" pitkän pitkän historiaa!

  3. ...lovely,"only" 1195000 e. I'll take two!

  4. That is a very nice apartment!!

  5. Kaunis talo ja upea lukaali hintaa myöten.

  6. Se ven desde fuera unos edificios de gran belleza que tal como nos dices se podían haber conservado haciendo algo similar a lo que hicieron en este apartamento.
    Esa cantidad de dinero es algo que cualquier lleva suelto en la cartera.


  7. It is a pity that old houses were demolished.
    Surely with today's prices, they would have kept them!

  8. It (and the street) looks lovely. I mourn that we so often pull things down rather than restore and save them.

  9. Nada se pierde con visitar una buena exposición.


  10. The photos of inside the apartment are lovely - and double doors meaning two sets of doors, something I've never seen before.
    Thanks for sharing as it's always a pleasure to see building on the otherside of the world.

  11. Great vieuws of that house inside and out. Pity that these kind of houses are not payable more for common people.

  12. Jos olisi pakko asua kaupungissa, haluaisin asua juuri tuollaisessa vanhassa talossa. Kauhistuttavia nuo Helsingin hinnat.

  13. Toda una belleza de imagenes

  14. Se ve un lugar muy bueno Eila y el apartamento estupendo.
    Buen martes. Cuídate.
    Un abrazo.


  15. ·.
    It only cost 'that'. Today I still haven't earned that amount. I'll see tomorrow ...
    The truth is that the houses on that street have an impressive appearance.
    The photo is great. The vanishing line accentuates the image.
    Hugs, Violeta

    LaMiradaAusente · & · CristalRasgado


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