keskiviikko 4. toukokuuta 2022

Ongelmia / Problems

Jotain on tapahtunut minun blogille tai googletilille. En pysty enää kommentoimaan ketään. Ensin olin anonyymi, mutta nyt välillä koko kommenttilaatikko ei ilmesty ja en siis voi lainkaan kommentoida. Kehoitetaan vaan kirjautumaan googletiliin, jossa ei kuitenkaan tapahdu mitään. Ja itseasiassa olen koko ajan tilille kirjautuneena. Olen pahoillani kun tai jos minusta ei kuulu mitään.
Syksyllä ilmeni myös tuon yläkuvan vaihtamisen mahdottomuus. Minulla on kaksi muuta blogia (ne on aivan unohdustilassa) ja niihin voisin vaihtaa yläkuvan, mutta nyt niissäkin kommentoinissa on samanlaista ongelmaa. En tiedä mistä johtuu. Ongelma kommentoinnissa on ilmennyt vasta nyt keväällä.
Olen tutkinut googletilin asetuksia, mutta mikään ei auta. Eli olen täysin umpikujassa.

Something has happened to my blog or google account. I can no longer comment on anyone. At first I was anonymous, but now sometimes the whole comment box doesn't appear and I cannot comment. You'll just be prompted to sign in to your google account, but nothing will happen. And in fact, I’m signed in to my account all the time. I am sorry when or if nothing is heard of me.
In the fall I couldn't chang header picture. I have two other blogs (they are completely forgotten) and I could switch the header picture, but now there is same comment problem as here. I don't know why. The commenting problem only became apparent in this spring.
I've been researching google account settings, but nothing helps. So I'm completely lost.

17 kommenttia:

  1. It seems to be a widespread problem that I've heard about on many blogs. I'm so far unaffected apart from many comments being classed as spam, when they are genuine comments..

  2. ...Blogger's commenting is messed up.

  3. Kokeile, jos vaihdat googletilin kirjautumissanaa (tämä on ihan arvelua vaan).

  4. I have been havimg the same problem for the past 3 weeks and so have many others - sometimes it works sometimes not. From time to time it improves and then reverts, it is really frustrating. Why doesn't Blogger just leave us alone and stop altering things which don't need fixing.

  5. New and improved Blogger is a mess. I have had some problems myself but there are others like you that have the same problem you stated.

  6. Me encanta la foto de las palomas.

    Abrazote utópico.-

  7. También yo tengo problemas algunas veces, para introducir el comentario.

    Muy bonitas fotografías.


  8. What a nuisance, you can only do what you can do and wait for blogger to come right.

  9. I think we've all had some kind of similar problem. Most of the time they fix "themselves" but we never get to know "why" it happened. I'm glad you were able to solve part of the problem and we can keep in touch.

  10. Curious. Even the pigeons look stumped. :-)


  11. Me gustan esas palomas.
    Ni idea de lo que te pasa .Espero que puedas resolver el problema.
    Buen fin de semana Eila
    Un abrazo.

  12. Since October 2020 that Blogger start to make stupid changes that difficult life to users with blogs from Blogspot. I believe if we pay, perhaps they would have more respect for us.

  13. Blogger is really messed up these days. Some legit comments are going to spam. And some of my comments on other posts vanish thirty seconds after being posted.


  14. ·.
    I am very sorry that I cannot help you with your problem. I continue to receive your comments normally, I hope it's just a one-time problem, one of those that fix themselves.
    The photos are wonderful, especially the first one.


    LaMiradaAusente · & · CristalRasgado


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