sunnuntai 5. toukokuuta 2024

Patikointia / Hiking


Kuntoportaissa on n. 165 askelmaa, ne nousin nyt ensimmäisen kerran (jaksoin, hyvä minä).
Täältä ylhäältä löysin lyhyen luontopolun.

The fitness stairs have approx. 165 steps, I climbed them for the first time.
Up here I found a short nature trail.

Luonto on alkanut vihertää nopeasti, kun on ollut lämmintä, tänäänkin +19 °C.
Nature has started to turn green quickly, as it has been warm, today too +19 °C.

Polku päättyi kallion huipulle.
The trail ended at the top of the cliff.

Kalliomaalausta? / Rock painting?

Sinivuokkoja oli paikoin tosi paljon, mutta en saanut niitä kuvaan onnistuneesti.
There were a lot of blue anemones (hepaticas)  in some places, but I didn't get a good picture of them.

5 kommenttia:

  1. I don't think I could climb all those steps. Well done you. The flowers are lovely. You are warmer than we are at the moment. We are going for a top of 17 today - and it hasn't reached double figures yet.

  2. Love leading lines approach with the path and stairs

  3. Very nice, gosh those steps, you certainly did a good job to climb them.

  4. Beautiful nature and I assume good for your health.

  5. Un paseo bello que como recompensa en todo lo alto tiene unas bonitas vistas.
    Creo que lo mas rupestre de las pinturas son su autor o autores



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