sunnuntai 6. elokuuta 2023



Kävimme Fazerin tehtaalla Fazerilassa. Tosin itse tehtaille emme päässet, vaan kiertelimme näyttelyalueella ja katsoimme erittäin hyvän videon. Ja lopuksi saimme syödä niin paljon suklaata kuin vain jaksoimme.

We visited the Fazer chocolate factory. Although we didn't get to the factories themselves, we walked around the exhibition area and watched a very good video. And finally, we were allowed to eat as much chocolate as we could manage.

Munankuori-pupu (Mignon-pupu).

Eggshell bunny.
At Easter, the empty eggshells are filled with Wiener chocolate. This bunny can be left alone, though.

Historian havinaa.
History's whispering.

Ja näitä saimme syödä niin paljon kuin napa veti.
And we could eat unlimited amounts of these.

Silmät olisi syönyt enemmänkin, mutta suu pani hanttiin.

When you had the opportunity to eat as much as you wanted, 
you quickly got the feeling that you can't eat more.

Ja tietenkin myymälässä piti ostaa jotain kotiin.
And of course you had to buy something for home in the store.

6 kommenttia:

  1. Wow. What a delicious outing. And yes, of course you had to buy more chocolate.

  2. There was a time when unlimited chocolate would have been a dream of mine; now I would struggle to eat much.

  3. Looks like a very nice visit over there. Free chocolate .

  4. Lo que suele suceder cuando visitas un lugar de estos cuando llegas a la tienda no sabes bien lo que coger ya que suele haber productos que se vendan mejor en otros lugares que donde resides y no los vistes nunca.


  5. A pesar de la buena degustación que has disfrutado, lo normal, es llevarse los productos que más han gustado, para consumirlos en la casa.
    Un abrazo

  6. The bunnies are quite a sight.


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