Rantatietä remontoidaan eli parannetaan. Syy on tulvavaara. Muutaman kerran vuosien varrella vesi on noussut johtuen rankkasateista ja myrskyistä. Nyt tässä päässä raitille meno on kielletty ja parannuskorjaukset jatkuvat koko raitin pituudelta ja valmistuu 2024 kesällä.
The beach road is being improved. The reason is the risk of flooding. A few times over the years the water has risen due to heavy rains and storms. Now it is forbidden to go to the beach at this end and the improvement repairs will continue along the entire length of the beach and will be completed in the summer of 2024.
Toivottavasti kaikkia puita ja pensaita ei poisteta.
Hopefully not all trees and bushes will be removed.
Surely it is bad that also in Finland the sea level is rising but yes where doesn't that happen.
VastaaPoistaI hope that it is finished on time and like you hope that they don't remove the trees. Will you be able to walk to the beach while the repairs to the road are underway?
VastaaPoistaElephant's The beach is long, so I can still get to the beach before they start repairing it from now on. But where there are fences, I can't get there.
Me imagino que habrá otros caminos alternativos para llegar a la playa. Buena urbanización, hay cerca de ella.
VastaaPoistaUn abrazo
A lot of work.
VastaaPoistaEspero lo mismo que tu de que no sean los árboles quien sufran las consecuencias. También creo que lo que no hubieran tenido que acercar tanto a la playa son los edificios.