lauantai 3. kesäkuuta 2017

Se on kesä nyt / It's summer now

Upea päivä, lämpötila 18 ”C ja aurinkoa koko päivän.
Magnificent day, temperature 18 °C, and the sun throughout the day.

25 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely landscape, thanks for sharing!

  2. Green and lovely. We have sun - but our temperatures aren't as high as yours at the moment.

  3. looks like a little piece of heaven to me!

  4. I keep forgetting that many places have Summer starting on June 1st rather than the Summer Solstice. Either way, it's more welcome than usual. Lovely places. You'd feel right at home here, I think.

    1. In fact, we start summer when it comes warm and sunny. Now it has been quite cold almost whole spring, and we have so short summer, that when the heat finally arrived and the nature is already magnificent, it seemed that the summer started.
      There is still snow (terrible) in Northern Finland, which is not very common at this time of year.

  5. Time to go on holidays!

  6. Like your new header photo.
    18deg, sounds ok to me - nice photos.

  7. Hienot otokset, minun mieleisistä maisemista. Etenkin nuo "veden äärellä"-kuvat puhuttelevat. Tasan ei käy onnen lahjat. Minulla oli eilen ylläni toppavaatteet, pipo ja hanskat. Tänä aamuna viideltä oli -2°. Mutta jospa se tästä.

  8. Kaunista kesää teillä päin! Ihania kuvia!
    Täällä oli kylmä yö.

  9. Vihdoin tuntuu kesältä, kunpa myös jatkuisi samanlaisena...

  10. Really beautiful landscape with great weather. Very inviting to discover.

  11. Buenas imágenes de un precioso paisaje y una temperatura sensacional para disfrutarlo. De 18º a 20º sería estupendo todo el año.
    Un fuerte abrazo

  12. Aah ihanan kesäiset kuvat ja banneri! Aurinkoista sunnuntaita Orvokki <3

  13. Great summer pictures!
    Here, although the summer temperetaures (now 24 degrees Celsius), we have a rainy weekend. So next week, becomes the sun and higher temperatures.

  14. These are beautiful shots of beautiful places. They remind me very much of northern Minnesota where a number of Finnish people immigrated many years ago. My mother taught school out in the woods and she had many Finnish students (that was in the 1920s)!

  15. Wonderful!
    I like your new header photo :)

  16. So Beautiful summerimage. Remember me at Holiday in sweden

  17. Kiitos kommenteista. Sunnuntaina ei ollutkaan yhtä lämmin päivä… :(
    Thanks for the comments. On the Sunday it wasn't as warm day as Saturday :(

  18. Beautiful scenery, beautiful day, beautiful weather. The perfect combination.

  19. Preciosa la cabecera nueva con esos dientes de león que parecen salirse de la pantalla. En cuanto a las fotos me encanta la primera por la profundidad y perspectiva que le otorga el punto de fuga de las líneas de esa carretera entre los árboles.
    Un abrazo,

  20. Summer does look very nice!!!


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