tiistai 22. lokakuuta 2024

Ruskaa maassa / Fall color on the ground


Sadetta ja tuulta, ja lehdet maassa. Onneksi on tyyniäkin päiviä, jopa aurinkoisia.
Minun vointi on jo parempi, mutta en vielä kävele pitkiä matkoja.

Rain and wind, and the leaves are on the ground. Fortunately, there are also calm days, even sunny ones.
I'm already feeling better, but I'm still not walking long distances.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Yes beautiful those fall colors. Especially those leaves on the stairs so beautiful.

  2. ...I hope that you well be doing better soon. My heart is giving me problems. Enjoy your autumn.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your heart. Hope it will be any bad thing, and you will going better.

  3. En los árboles y en el suelo, con esas hojas caídas, con los colores del otoño.
    Un abrazo.

  4. The autumn leaves really add mood to the frame

  5. Beautiful autumn colours and I do like the leaves on the steps.

  6. El otoño en su primera época nos demuestra no es esa estación fría y aburrida.
    Espero pronto nos des aun mejores noticias noticias sobre tu salud.



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