Ostin uuden vanhan auton, Citroen C3. Vm 2014. Ja nyt on totuttelemista tähän hieman suurempaan autoon. Kun Micra oli sellainen söpö pieni. Mutta siinä oli katsastuksessa niin paljon vikoja, ettei kannattanut enää korjata. Ja olihan se jo vanhakin, vm. 2004. Ajoin sitä liki 20 vuotta. Minä todella rakastin Micraa, jos voi sanoa rakastavansa autoa.
En aikonut ostaa uutta autoa tilalle, ajattelin olla hetken ilman autoa,
mutta sain niin hyvän tilaisuuden, että se piti käyttää hyväksi.
I bought a new old car, a Citroen C3, year model 2014. And now it's time to get used to this slightly bigger car. The former Micra was such a cute little one. But it had so many defects during the inspection that it was not worth repairing anymore. And it was already old, year model 2004. I drove it for almost 20 years. And I really loved it, if you can love a car.
I wasn't going to buy a new car to replace it, I thought I'd be without a car for a while,
but I got such a good opportunity that I had to take advantage of it.
Siinä se on, viimeiset kuvat rakkaasta ystävästä, jonka kanssa oli monia hyviä yhteisiä matkoja.
That's it, the last pictures of a dear friend with whom we made many good trips together.
Poco a poco te vas a acostumbrar. Ya era hora de cambiarlo.
VastaaPoistaUn abrazo.
I hope you grow to love your new car too.
VastaaPoistaLooks like a nice car for exchange
VastaaPoistaCongratulations on your new car, the Citroen C3! It sounds like a great opportunity, especially since your Micra served you well for nearly 20 years. Transitioning to a slightly bigger car can be an adjustment, but it’s exciting to have a new ride. I’m sure you’ll come to appreciate the features and space that the C3 offers. It’s always a bittersweet moment saying goodbye to a car you’ve loved, but it sounds like you made a practical choice for your needs. Enjoy driving your new old car!
VastaaPoistaI do like your new/old car, have fun in it, be safe.
VastaaPoistaThat header photo is beautiful.
It looks like a nice car. Hope you enjoy it as much as the old one.
VastaaPoistaPor un momento pensé que la diferencia entre el Micra y el C3 era bastante porque pensaba en las dimensiones del que tiene mi hermano, pero el suyo es un C4.