keskiviikko 19. heinäkuuta 2017

Kieltoja metsäteillä / Prohibitions on forest roads

"Fishing prohibited on the bridge" and "Private road".
(The other language is Swedish, we are a bilingual country.)

"signs signs"

36 kommenttia:

  1. Ihmetyttää tuo yksityistie-kyltti, kun todennäköisesti tie on rakennettu yhteiskunnan varoilla. Kalastus kielletty, miksiköhän?

    1. Tämän sillan alta kulkee paljon (pieniä) veneitä avomerelle. Oletettavasti siksi kalastuskielto.
      Kaiketi olisin voinut ajaa tuolle yksityistielle, mutta enpä viitsinyt. Luulisin, että se on tontinomistajat, jotka tuota tietä ylläpitää. Se tie vie niemen kärkeen, eli ei minnekään (paitsi tonteille).

  2. I agree with the no fishing on the bridge. Safety reasons, I guess.

    Something I have learned now (I confess my ignorance): that you have 2 official languages.

    According to wikipedia the majority speak Finnish - 91%; and 5.4% speak Swedish.

    It is a good sign when we continue learning!! : ))

    1. You are lovely when you looked at Wikipedia the Finnish-Swedish language.
      Most of people speak only Finnish, but there are also many who speak both languages. All texts and all signs etc. has to be in both language. And we have to learn Swedish at school. (me too, but still I cannot speak it :).

    2. And in Canada, as you know, we have 2 official languages as well. English and French. Both languages are mandatory in the elementary and high schools. The labels of all products have to be in both languages. Not the road signs. In Ontario we speak English, in Quebec, French.

    3. Yes, I know your official languages..
      We have same in the schools... both languages and also english for the third one (or an other language)... and later you can choise more languages if you want.

  3. Mielenkiintoisia kieltoja riittää meillä sääntömaassa :-)

  4. Sure there are justified reasons


  5. ...up in the mountains I see a lot of 'no' signs too!

  6. I wish that we were multi-lingual.
    The sign on the gate transcends all languages though...

  7. El mundo de las señales, todo un idioma que debería ser universal y convergente, pero que por desgracia tampoco lo es.
    Un abrazo,

  8. I know that 'tie' is Finnish for 'road', but for the rest Finnish is a very difficult language for us.

    1. Hih.. I understand you ... because as well as the Dutch language is a utopia for me.

  9. It's not good to fish on a bridge with hardly no road to stand on. Safety comes first. It's good to know more than one language. I am currently studying German.

    1. Gongratulation for your German studying.
      I just understand a little bit of Swedish, a bit more English... and I should study German (due to daughter's German man) and Spanish (my sister lives in Spain). I understand them a bit, but discussing is impossible. Maybe I'm too lazy to start again to study languages.. :)

  10. It does seem too narrow a road to allow passage when there are people idling on it anyway.

  11. That's all right. I don't think you would catch many fish on that bridge anyway. :-)

  12. Por raro que parezca, si ponen esa señal será porque se necesita...

  13. I'm very glad that the other language isn't Russian! I've got them lurking in my head too much these days. I really like that second picture!

    1. If history had gone wrong, we would now talk about Russia ... fortunately we were able to keep our independence.

  14. Luin Kieloja metsätiellä ja mietin, missä piileksivät.

    1. Aina silloin tällöin meikäläisellekin pukkaa päälle tuo oikolukuhäiriö.

  15. Cross through a yellow diamond means you don't have the right of way. Rechts fuer Links. :-P
    And "no blue" is no parking.
    (These signs were not evident to me before I took a driving course in France).

    1. You are right !
      But you cannot even drive to a forest road as it has a boom.

      Are these signs different as in your county?

  16. Kirkkonummella on vastaavia paljon, joissakin on vielä kameravalvonta-kyltit lisänä.

    1. Tämä on todella Kirkkonummella, kuis mä aina ajattelen Porkkalaa.. Eli sama paikka kuin edellinen postaus eli ihan Espoon rajalla, Linlo.

  17. Funny that you have two official languages. One for yourself and one to communicate with the rest of the world.

    1. The rest of the world does not much understand either also Swedish :)

      Bilingualism is a historical remnant, every official newsletter etc must also be in Swedish, as well as place names and street names.. and customer service and so on..
      The younger generation speaks more well English, but I don't really can it well... I speak "easy" english.. :) it's a pity...
      I understand passively Sweden because here I can heard it a lot. But since I was lazy during the school time (for a long long time ago) and I didn't like it so I didn't learn it well.

  18. Hauska kyltti tuo kalastus sillalta kielletty, vaikkei se kai onkijoita naurata, mutta ehkä sille on hyvä syy? Valitettavasti monet metsäautotietkin on varustettu kieltokyltein ja puomein. Ajattelen itseäni huonojalkaisempia marjastajia ja sienestäjä, joille olisi mukava päästä luontoon autolla, kun tie kerran on. Meillä on kyllä ainutlaatuinen tuo jokamiehenoikeus kerätä satoa kenen vaan metsästä.

  19. No parece un lugar muy seguro para ponerse a pescar, es curiosa la necesidad de prohibirlo con señales. Buenas imágenes.
    Un abrazo

  20. Espero que sea por precaución, no por que alguien lo quiera para s mismo.
    Besos Eila

  21. seem familiar :) Lots of private roads over here too.

  22. If it's a private road, could the owners not fish from bridge, if they wanted?

  23. Luin Kieloja metsätiellä ja mietin, missä piileksivät.

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