On pirun kylmää (-13 C), ulkona ei todellakaan tee mieli olla kauan. Aurinko laskee nopeasti jo n. 15.30, jolloin tulee täyspimeetä. Saa olla aika nopea, jotta ehtisi kuvata auringon laskeutumassa
(minä en ole nopea, olen aina liian myöhään liikkeellä..)
It is very cold (-13 C). I really don't feel like being outside for long time. The sun sets quickly already around 3:30 p.m., and then it's completely dark. You have to be pretty fast so you have time to photograph the setting sun (I'm not fast, I always leave home too late..)
Beautiful - but definitely chilly.
VastaaPoistaEl solo ver esos colores le entra frio a uno.
Very interesting details you have remarked,